international purchase
"The Good Coxswain"

A successful crew cannot be successful without a good coxswain.  By purchasing "The Good Coxswain" Series 1 and/or Series 2 you, your club or association will be able to raise the level of expectation, the standards of safety and the appreciation of a coxswain's job well done!

Individuals or clubs seeking to add to their rowing knowledge can purchase the resource quickly and easily below. 

Alternatively, national, state or regional rowing bodies may wish to widen the range of their member services by purchasing "The Good Coxswain" (at a discounted rate) as part of a larger educational package that qualifies all coxswains as "Good Coxswains".

Contact Us for an outline of how you can deliver this complete professional service to your membership. 

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

The Good Coxswain Series One
The Good Coxswain - Series One
"The Good Coxswain Logbook" comes free of charge with this purchase

$ 70.00 AUD
(exclude packaging & freight)

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The Good Coxswain Series Two
The Good Coxswain - Series Two

$ 70.00 AUD
(exclude packaging & freight)

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If you wish to purchase an item using a different payment method, please feel free to contact RowEd on the following email address