publications: the good coxswain
The definitive coxing resource at last! Comprehensive, colourful and contemporary - this is a publication that promotes the highest professional standards in rowing education. It is not a dry, technical textbook or lightweight pamphlet, it is "The Good Coxswain" - a 21st century guide to rowing excellence.

"The Good Coxswain" is a series of booklets alive with rowing anecdotes, practical examples and clear instruction. Sequentially, it guides both coxes and coaches through subject specific, bite size booklets - starting with instruction for the apprehensive raw novice through to the final realisation of a race-winning, coxing dynamo.

Series One
Booklets 1-6 have now been released and are available for purchase. Check out the booklets below and make your order now.

The Good Coxswain Booklet 01 The Good Coxswain Booket 02 The Good Coxswain Booklet 03 The Good Coxswain Booklet 04 The Good Coxswain Booklet 05 The Good Coxswain Booklet 06
Click on a booklet to see inside.

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Series Two
Booklets 1-6 have now been released and are available for purchase. Check out the booklets below and make your order now.

The Good Coxswain Booklet 07 The Good Coxswain Booklet 08 The Good Coxswain Booklet 09 The Good Coxswain Booklet 10 The Good Coxswain Booklet 11 The Good Coxswain Booket 12
Click on a booklet to see inside.

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PLUS - "The Good Coxswain Logbook"
"The Good Coxswain Logbook" is a practical tool for cox and coach. It is a record of experience and an opportunity to measure coxing progress. It comes in a small, easy to carry format with self-assessment tables and practical reminders.


Download The Good Coxswain Logbook

For a limited time "The Good Coxswain Logbook" is available free of charge with the purchase of Series One.