Uniquely tailored for the individual, the club, the school or the rowing association...from beginner to elite.
Click on individual service heading to read more:
rowing presentations
Despite the very best of intentions and the fullest devotion of energy, the rowing message, whether educational or motivational, will sometimes not get through!
Our team of experienced rowing educationalists and presenters will use their passion, knowledge and experience to deliver the presentation that best caters for your crew, club, school or association's rowing need. Click here to see how you can bridge that gap in your club's rowing education or motivation.
rowing resource development
If you want to realize your ideas and plans, then document. RowEd can develop and write your club's rowing documentation - whether it be technical, educational or simply official (click here). Writing it down makes what you have to say to your rowing fraternity authoritative and structured. It can be your club's blue-print for professionalism.
rowing recruitment consultancy
There is a position to be created or filled in your rowing program; role descriptors are to be formulated, advertising copy written and selection criteria decided. The very best rowing person must then be selected. RowEd has the time, experience and appropriate rowing knowledge to help make it happen. Click here
conference planning and realization
Rowing conferences and extended workshops are your organizations showcase to the world. They extend professional networking opportunities and promote your organization as central to the latest advances in the sport of rowing. RowEd will guarantee that this is not left to chance, insuring that all planning is fully detailed and realized. Click here
rowing camp planning and administration
Camps focus your club or school's personnel, resources and energies into a few days of intensive and, ultimately, productive activity. The benefits permeate throughout the entire rowing season. If your club is resource rich but time poor then camps become a responsibility best shared with RowEd who has the time and the experience to make a potential "stumbling block" your club's well conceived "building block". Click here
rowing coach's mentor line
"The coach, who knows everything, still has a lot to learn." Andrew O'Brien
Good coaches support their rowers with their advice, encouragement and devotion of time but, in the end, who supports the coach?
Friendly, impartial and informed feedback is now available to all coaches. Selected from a panel of successful coaches, RowEd will provide you with a "rowing mentor" that best compliments your class of boat or competition standard. Now there is somebody in the coach's corner. Click here
One size does not fit all when it comes to crews and their boats. Each boat needs to be individually tailored to meet the needs of its crewmembers. An uncomfortable fit can mean failure and/or injury.
Consult RowEd for the correct rigging to your boat. Click here